Does a talus fracture need surgery?

Does a talus fracture need surgery?

Because the talus is important for ankle movement, a fracture often results in substantial loss of motion and function. A talus fracture that does not heal properly can lead to complications, including a limp, arthritis, and chronic pain. For this reason, most talus fractures require surgery.

What do they do for a broken talus?

Talus fractures may be treated in a cast, or surgery may be recommended. Nonsurgical Treatment: Nonsurgical treatment is recommended for fractures in which the pieces of bones remain close together, and the joint surfaces are well aligned.

What is a subchondral fracture?

Subchondral insufficiency fractures (SIF) are a type of stress fracture which occurs below the cartilage on the weight bearing surface of a bone. SIF occur when normal physiological forces are repeatedly applied to an area of bone compromised by non-tumorous disease, resulting in fracture.

What kind of surgery is needed for a subchondral fracture?

Joint preserving surgical treatments of subchondral fractures include microfracture, drilling, subchondroplasty 10, or in the hip joint: transtochanteric osteotomy 11. High-grade fluid-filled lesions with cortical collapse and severe osteoarthritis might require arthroplasty.

How is a talus fracture treated in an orthopedist?

Immediate treatment of a talus fracture includes immobilizing the foot and elevating it above the heart. An open fracture should be treated as a medical emergency. Less serious injuries may not require an emergency room visit. An evaluation by an orthopedist may be enough.

What to look for in a subchondral insufficiency fracture?

Patients with subchondral insufficiency fracture characteristically have unremarkable plain radiographs, while MRI examination may reveal extensive bone marrow oedema and subchondral bone collapse.

Is there an alternative treatment for subchondral insufficiency?

Alternate treatment approach to subchondral insufficiency fracture of the knee utilizing genicular nerve cooled radiofrequency ablation and adjunctive bisphosphonate supplementation: A case report Radiol Case Rep. 2020 Apr 5;15(6):691-696.doi: 10.1016/j.radcr

Immediate treatment of a talus fracture includes immobilizing the foot and elevating it above the heart. An open fracture should be treated as a medical emergency. Less serious injuries may not require an emergency room visit. An evaluation by an orthopedist may be enough.

Joint preserving surgical treatments of subchondral fractures include microfracture, drilling, subchondroplasty 10, or in the hip joint: transtochanteric osteotomy 11. High-grade fluid-filled lesions with cortical collapse and severe osteoarthritis might require arthroplasty.

When does a subchondral insufficiency fracture occur?

Subchondral insufficiency fractures are non-traumatic fractures that occur immediately below the cartilage of a joint. Although low bone density may be present concurrently, it is not the underlying cause of subchondral insufficiency fractures in the majority of patients. Patients with subchondral i …

How is anterior process fracture of the calcaneus-footeducation treated?

Most anterior process fractures of the calcaneus can be treated non-surgically. If the fracture fragment is not interfering with the function of the calcaneal cuboid joint, non-operative treatment is indicated. This consists of immobilization in a walker boot for typically six weeks, until the soft tissue injury and fracture have healed.