Can you recover from C7 spinal cord injury?

Can you recover from C7 spinal cord injury?

Spinal cord injuries to the C6, C7, and C8 levels that are treated immediately have the best chance for recovery. Patients will typically know the extent of the long-term damage within six months of the injury. Learning to deal with the limitations of the injury is a very important part of the recovery phase.

What happens when C7 is injured?

Individuals with a complete C7 spinal cord injury will not be able to move or feel their trunk or lower body, and will also have some impairments in their hands/fingers. This will affect: Bladder and bowel movements. The inability to control these reflexes and muscle contractions can make you very prone to accidents.

How serious is a C7 break?

Severe trauma to this level may also injure the spinal cord. In rare cases when the C7 vertebra forms a cervical rib, compression of surrounding blood vessels and/or nerves may occur, resulting in thoracic outlet syndrome.

How to recover from a C7 spinal cord injury?

It is also imperative that you inspect your skin daily – your therapists in the hospital should show you how to do this properly. Recovering from a C7 spinal cord injury will require physical and occupational therapy. Both therapies will assess your physical abilities and work towards improving your motor skills.

What can physical therapy do for a C6 C7 injury?

Physical therapy can help strengthen neck muscles, improve posture, and increase range of motion after a C6-C7 motion segment injury. Physical therapy is usually performed under the guidance of a physical therapist and may include exercises, stretches, manual therapy, massage, and/or other treatments.

What happens if you have a C6 C7 disc herniated?

C6 C7 Disc Herniated. Because of this, if a C6 C7 disc herniates, it is very common that a person will not only experience neck pain, but you may also experience pain in the arms, weakness in the hands and arms, shoulder pain, chest pains, uncontrollable sweating, headaches, etc.

How to relieve C7 hernia pain in the neck?

According to Spine Universe, stretching the back can relieve the pain of a C7 hernia and relieve neck pain. To perform a proper back extension, lie on the floor on your stomach and raise yourself up on your elbows so that your upper body is resting on your forearms. Hold the position for 30 seconds and lower your body back down.

It is also imperative that you inspect your skin daily – your therapists in the hospital should show you how to do this properly. Recovering from a C7 spinal cord injury will require physical and occupational therapy. Both therapies will assess your physical abilities and work towards improving your motor skills.

According to Spine Universe, stretching the back can relieve the pain of a C7 hernia and relieve neck pain. To perform a proper back extension, lie on the floor on your stomach and raise yourself up on your elbows so that your upper body is resting on your forearms. Hold the position for 30 seconds and lower your body back down.

When to consider surgery for C7 nerve damage?

Usually, nonsurgical methods are tried first. Surgery may be considered when nonsurgical treatments fail to relieve pain or in cases where severe spinal cord or C7 nerve damage progresses. Herniation of the C6-C7 intervertebral disc may irritate or compress the C7 nerve root causing pain and other symptoms.

Can a herniated disk C6-C7 cause bone spurs?

I have a question about a ruptured C6-C7 disk. I suffered an acute attack of right-sided neck pain that ran all the way down my 3 index and middle fingers close to 2 weeks ago. I had a cervical X-ray, CT, and an MRI done. My image studies showed a ruptured disk at C6-C7 and bone spurs.