Are students who take gap years more successful?
Are students who take gap years more successful?
Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies than mature aged students or students who enter university straight from high school, according to a new study.
Is taking 2 gap years bad?
Although it may seem counter intuitive, colleges really like gap year students. Gap year students are generally more focused, mature, and motivated. Having taken two gap years, you’ve become “well-rounded.” Whether you’ve traveled, worked, took care of family, or chased some big dreams, you have stories to tell.
Are Gap Years expensive?
Gap years don’t have to cost a lot of money, Zambrano added, although he noted that some programs can cost as much as $50,000 per year, or the same price tag as one year at an expensive private college. “They can work and save money and have a good time. There is no income bracket on that.”
Is it smart to take a gap year?
The institutional support of gap years is due in part to the growing evidence that gap years can be beneficial to students. One survey found that the two most common reasons for taking a gap year were students experiencing burnout from the competitive pressure of high school and wanting to learn more about themselves.
Are gap years worth it?
In short, YES. Gap Years can kickstart motivation, teach valuable life skills, hone resumes into killer shape, and open doors to future opportunities. And believe it or not, Gap Year students may actually graduate a year ahead of time.